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Universal Medicine is committed to providing Complementary Health & Healing Services that are Universal in their approach towards medicine and healing. 


Through practical philosophies that inspire more self-caring and self-loving choices in daily life Universal Medicine supports people to explore their overall well-being, the development of energetic awareness, and the depth they can bring to their quality of life and relationships.


Teachings are delivered in the form of lectures, talks, audios and treatments from Universal Medicine clinics. Founder of Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon, regularly holds courses, workshops and retreats throughout Australia and internationally. In addition to this he runs the Universal Medicine Clinic a busy Healing Practice based in Northern New South Wales, Australia.

This site is based on a simple and eternal Esoteric Principle:

The esoteric principle is that we are love – innately and, unchangeably. The principles of the esoteric way of life date back to the oldest forms of knowledge and wisdom. Whilst ancient in their heritage, the principles of the esoteric life in human form have not out-dated themselves in relation to what is required of mankind to live in harmony and thus arrest any wayward conduct that does not build brotherhood within and amongst our communities everywhere.


The esoteric means that which comes from our inner-most. It is the livingness of love that we all carry equally deep within and it is this livingness that restores each and every individual back into the rhythms of their inner-harmony and thus from there, the love is lived with all others.


For many years I was living on a very low level of energy/vitality, very, very exhausted and completely out of my body (with all its side effects).  Since I have met Serge Benhayon and have been listening to his presentations and attending his courses my life has changed in so many ways. I am on a much higher level of energy/vitality and much more back in my body - which feels most amazing.

Serge Benhayon

About the Founder

Founder of Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon is a renowned teacher, practitioner and trainer of therapies that are complementary to medicine, as well as the author of 30+ published books to date. His books are rich philosophical works on the Esoteric in life, love and human society. 

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All content on this site © 2000 - 2023 by Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine / All Rights Reserved.

The material on this website is based upon the principles of The Ageless Wisdom which offers an energetic understanding of life. Any references to science are references to energetic science as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, and not to evidence-based science in mankind’s modern era. Any references to specific aspects of Medicine are to illustrate the relevance of energetic wisdom, as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, in the interplay of bodily illness and disease rather than contradicting the current theories of disease causation or in any way to replace epidemiology. The principles conveyed on this website are philosophical and religious, and thus are not verified within the evidence-based rationales and critical appraisal process of evidence-based science including CONSORT2010 compliant double blind randomised controlled trials. The presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine do not diagnose, treat, prevent or offer any therapeutic cure to any disease or illness; they are complementary-to-medicine and never a replacement of or alternative to conventional medicine. If you have any question or concern about the cause, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of any disease or illness, you should consult a registered medical practitioner.

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